We’ve hoped, wished, wanted, argued, been over, got excited for again, and trampled all over for just wanting one simple thing: for the two best fighters in recent memory to beat each other up or at least try. Instead, we’ve gotten two years of painful negotiations, false starts and endless dreams.
On Wednesday, Floyd Mayweather, Jr was sentenced to do 90 days in jail, following in the family tradition of doing time. Its a sad state of affairs for both the best boxer in the world and the sport in general. It makes us look bad. It makes Floyd look worse. What is more, that May 5 date he had on hold? We can all forget about that. Even if he gets out early it won’t be enough time. When he gets out, you know Floyd will want to spend time with his family and then take a tune-up.
Unless . . .
What if on the inside, Floyd decided to take his tune-up? Hear me out. For one, he will need to gain respect. You know fools will try and step to him just to find out. Plus, women beaters aren’t exactly looked upon with love in jail. So Floyd will have to establish himself with a dominant prisoner.
Now we all know Floyd is prizefighter to the extreme. We know he does nothing for free. But he is in jail or will be January 6 and looking to not only gain respect in jail but also recoup some of his legal fees while he is unable to bet on the NFL and some of the NBA for awhile. So I propose a super fight in jail to raise money for both Floyd’s legal fees and charity to cover a little of that 100 hours of community service.
This fight, billed “Crossroads in Clark County” will pit the best fighter in the world in a bare knuckle match vs. one of most notorious figures to walk the block in Nevada.


Crossroads in Clark County
Live on HBO PPV