Our debate last week involved megastar and former 8 division world champion Manny Pacquiao. He will face former two division world champion Timothy Bradley for the third time April 9th in Las Vegas. This has been the site of their previous two encounters with each fighter winning a fight. The fight wasn’t well received initially by many fans and media following its announcement. The fact that it was announced as Pacquiao’s last fight made it a bit more interesting. Pacquiao made some very unpopular remarks which has had the very popular Pacquiao being shown more in the negative light of late. The majority of our feedback from the followers was that Pacquiao would continue on fighting. Many felt that he is still an elite fighter and can still beat the majority of the top guys in today’s boxing.
March 5th, 2016 was a historic night for Australian professional boxing. There unbeaten challenger Lucas Browne upset world champion Ruslan Chagaev. Browne had to overcome some serious odds to do so. He first had to fight Chagaev on virtually his home turf in Russia. Then Browne was dropped hard in round six and it looked like his world title quest might be slipping away. Browne pulled it together and came back to stop Chagev in round 10. The ending itself seemed very Rocky movie like but it was very real. Browne had made history and became Australia’s first heavyweight champion of the world.
Browne was swarmed by media in Australia upon his return. He was an instant hero for his country. All was good it appeared for a few weeks then there was this announcement. Browne had tested positive for the banned substance Clenbuterol. There are different reports on what Clenbuterol is actually used for but one is that it’s to help lose weight. This is something that raises questions to some as Browne is a heavyweight and has not weigh limit to make. It has also been said that Clenbuterol is used to improve stamina. This has raised questions on the other side of this.
The testing was conducted by VADA. it was his A sample that came back positive with the B sample still pending. It has been reported that Browne had been tested prior to heading to Russia and tested clean. There is still an ongoing investigations on the final details. We want to hear your opinion on how you feel this will turn out in the end.