Boxing History: July 14, 1939 (Slapsie) Maxie Rosenbloom W 15 Lou Scozza, Buffalo. Retains world light-heavyweight title.

Rosenbloom’s Record: 274 fights, 207-39-26 (19 KO’s)
World Light Heavyweight champion 1930-34
He was nicknamed “Slapsie Maxie” by Damon Runyon for slapping opponents with an open glove. Using an open glove was later banned by the New York State Athletic Commission.
Born: Max Everitt Rosenbloom, known as “Slapsie Maxie” (November 1, 1907 – March 6, 1976) was an American boxer, actor, and television personality.
Inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame, 1993.
Inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame, 1985.
Inducted into the International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame in 1984.
Born in Leonard’s Bridge, Connecticut. In 1930, he won the New York light heavyweight title. In 1932, he won the Light Heavyweight Championship of the World. He held and defended the title until November 1934, when he lost it to Bob Olin. As a professional boxer, Rosenbloom relied on hitting and moving to score points. He was very difficult to hit cleanly with a power punch and his fights often went the full number of required rounds. In his boxing matches he suffered thousands of head punches, which eventually led to the deterioration of his motor functions.
Maxie’s health deteriorated with age, and he suffered from pugilistica dementia (better known as Paget’s disease) as a result of the continuous head blows he endured as a boxer. He died at age 71 in South Pasadena, California.
Crazy Slapstick Short starring Max Baer and Maxie Rosenbloom of the KAYO DETECTIVE AGENCY in “The Champs Step Out”